How does it feel to get old? Well, at 68 years OLD, I'll tell you. It isn't nice! I have fallen down stairs; I have needed to use a walker at certain times; I have gained unwanted weight that, no matter how many diets I went on, would always return with a vengeance and then some more on top of the last poundage I was dragging around with me; I had eating addictions that ruled my existence; I lacked energy; I lacked fundamental flexibility to do the most needed movement to make it through my day!
How does it feel to be 68 years YOUNG! I'll tell you. It's GREAT! I no longer fall; I never need the walker; I am down to a normal weight yet I can eat to satisfaction as long as I follow the DDPY program; My high blood pressure of 170/110 became a miraculous 121/80 without using any medication (only the corrective diet and yoga); I have glorious energy throughout the day with no 3 pm slump; I no longer suffer from my sugar, ice cream, chocolate cravings; and I move like a youngster now that I have flexibility.
How did I make these fantastic changes?, you ask....I joined a group called DDP Yoga. After seeing the Arthur Boorman video on YouTube, I decided that if Arthur could do it, so could I. I was no longer going to sail into the sunset with the concept of 'everybody looses function when they hit old age'! I found that unacceptable! I bought the program--not only do you buy the DVD set. but along with that you get support on the internet in the form of a chat room and blogging with friends, etc. I am never alone in my efforts for improvement!!!
Take a look for yourself. These pictures are a comparison of my first two months doing DDP Yoga.
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